I gotta say, I am just about totally fed up with the doom and gloom media coverage and other such "world ending" mantras being thrown about by our countries leaders.
Let's see here, we have Swine Flu, The New Great Depression, Wars, Terrorism...
This is all so ridiculous that there must be some agendas out there.
Let me tackle a couple of these items:
Swine Flu: The world is not going to succumb to some random strain of flu. In a regular year, approx 30,000 people die from the regular flu in the U.S. As of this morning, we have 1 death from the Swine Flu, yet it is the lead for every major news network and the President is actually addressing the issue.
A few years ago, the world was supposed to succumb to the Avian Bird flu...seems that turned out to NOT be the pandemic that was being reported.
The NEW Great Depression: Give me a break. Our country and the world is currently cycling through a downturn. We are NOT in a depression. After 8-10 years of consecutive record shattering growth and boom, we have scaled back. You can't continue to peak year after year without a setback forever.
Many people have lost jobs due to the newer slowed down pace and many companies are now having to pay the piper for years of greed and bad management. I have had several close friends lose jobs as a result of this, but in less than a month, they are all now employed at new companies making the same amount of money. If we were in a depression, there would not be new jobs....
Everyone needs to take a step back and really think about what is being reported and why it is being reported. Do NOT take everything at face value, because very seldom is the published story the real story.
Media outlets like big ratings. Why? Because they don't care about reporting news, they care about the advertising revenue that is received when ratings are high.
Political folks such as congress and even the President ALL have agendas. To further an agenda or goal you need your constituents (the public) to buy in. Fear is the Number One way to deliver a message as it gets to the emotional fabric of every human.
If you want to pass legislation to somewhat nationalize banking, what would you do? Perhaps report stories everyday of failing banks and the non-lending of money...
If you want to pass legislation to nationalize health care, what would you do? Perhaps pray on the fears of the public of a flu epidemic....
If you want to pass legislation and gain support for war funding, what would you do? Perhaps report each day of impending world doom from terrorism....
I'm not making political statements, I'm just saying, that all these people have agendas and your genuine well being is very seldom one of them. Don't be so quick to believe what you read and hear. Use your common sense and start filtering out the nonsense.
Until the masses decide that no more of this is acceptable, nothing will change. Be an individual. Be a thinker. Be different. Don't follow. Lead.