Social Networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc, have become sensations in a very short amount of time. There are scores of articles and blog posts about these sites and how great they are. I'm gonna take a slightly different approach.
If your an aspiring speaker, trainer, marketer of any sort, or your goal is somehow to create new business by networking on such sites, its gonna be a tough road for you. The reason these sites are so popular is simply because they pique that little twinge that 95% of people have called curiosity.
These sites make people feel like they are part of a group. It really helps those people that are more reserved or shy in their real life interactions, but the mask of the Internet allows people to come out of their shell just a bit.
However, creating new business and marketing yourself via these sites will have very little impact on your future success. People use these sites as an escape from their workday reality. They want to relax and communicate with their friends or acquaintances. That being said, it makes these sites not very receptive to being hit with solicitations.
Unless you are already established in your business with lots of followers, this will most likely not be a good payoff for you to spend time marketing to these sites. I'm not saying don't do it, I am just suggesting that if your allocating your time to certain areas of business development, this should not be the area with the most time allocated.
There is no substitute for face to face encounters and good old fashioned hard work. Build your business by hitting the street and talking to warm bodies. Maintain that contact with your business via these social networking sites. That's the order. Not the other way around.
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