Monday, April 27, 2009

Doppler Radar Marketing

As I'm typing this here in Dallas / Fort Worth, we are under a severe weather storm warning. This time of year, we are pretty much always under the threat of a severe rain storm at some point during the day. Sometimes it rains, sometimes it doesn't.

I started thinking though. When there is even a small hint of possible severe weather around here it glues people to their TVs. It could be rain, wind, snow, name it. It is "stop down" viewing when the weather person interrupts your regularly scheduled TV show to give an update.

What if you could tap into that kind of "stop down" reading for your marketing efforts? What would that entail? How could anyone possibly pull that off?

My thoughts are this:

  1. Be Original...ALL the time. Don't start out with original thoughts then revert to what everyone else in your business does.

  2. Don't be in people's face ALL the time. It's good to stay in touch and communicating with your fans, but I am referring to the emails, commercials, ads, etc, that are ALWAYS preaching "limited time" or "unique." We all know that is crap. If you are selling something for one price today, I guarantee I can get if for the same price tomorrow. Stop lying to us. We are not that dumb.

  3. Don't always hold the details back from the public. If you are going to build up your skills, products, or whatever, then give us a taste. A good taste. Don't provide a million testimonials from people we don't know and think we will hand our money over. I want to see a decent sample of your "uniqueness," not just words.

Watching weather reports on TV and looking at their ratings, should be a message to everyone that it is still VERY possible to hold someone else's attention span for longer then 2 minutes. All you have to do is provide people with valuable information that has an impact on their life. The trick is creating your information in such a way that people have no doubt that you can have an impact on them.

When you do that. People will listen. Everything else is just noise.

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