In the market that we are in today, more than anytime in recent memory, it's important that people keep their mind open and receptive to new ideas. It's funny though, because I have found the opposite to be true.
I'm the kind of guy that gets involved in many different things. I like new ideas, trying new things, and am always open to risking failure for the opportunity to succeed. That being said, I recently got involved in another income business because I thought the theory was sound.
It's with an Energy Company called Stream and it began in Texas after deregulation occurred several years back. The principal idea is simply to switch people from their energy provider to Stream and you can earn bonuses and residual income.
Is it a get rich quick scheme? No
Does the money roll in overnight? No
The idea is that you stay consistent and over a period of time your client base will grow and so will your income. The 2nd thing to do, is to try and sign up a few people as associates to work under you in what is called a "down line." These associates have the exact same goal as you and you work together to succeed. The real goal is 10 Energy Customers (People Switching) and 3 Associates (People doing the same thing as you.)
Seems like a simple concept right?
Well it is. And it works. No tricks. No schemes.
It's funny though. While I have had success already, I still encounter people each day that have a preconceived notion that it is a big trick. I have actually saved every single person that has signed up with me an average of $20-$35 per month in their electricity bill. Yet some people still think it is a scam.
I find it amazing, that anybody could think a 3 Billion dollar company (Fastest Growing Company in U.S History by the end of 2009-Faster than Google) that is regulated by the PUC (Public Utility Commission) can possibly be a scam. It's just silly closed minded thinking.
I recently spoke to someone about switching their electricity and was explaining how it works. They were so closed minded that it was somewhat comical. I tried showing them that all I wanted to do was save them money each month, but they just couldn't see it.
The more I thought about this, I started thinking that this is precisely the problem we face as a country today. People are stuck in this closed minded world and they cling to their outdated thoughts.
What if you just opened your mind to NEW ideas. Perhaps gave something a chance. Go out and try something new. I guarantee that you will be surprised at what you realize.
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