- That I have been exposed to every known conflict and have an answer to all of them...which I don't.
- That I deal with customers that are not happy....also very far from accurate.
I will say, that in any people business (which is ALL Businesses by the way) natural human emotions can be stirred up rather easily. So, it is important to understand how to remain calm and provide resolutions for people.
Many companies operate under the theory of the blame game...not productive.
At a former company that I used to work with, if any problems ever arose, the management team would literally hold a meeting to try and figure out whose fault it was.
Crazy I know. They would actually spend hours of time looking to assign blame to either an employee or a customer rather than spending their time looking for solutions and remedies.
They didn't understand that the past is over and the future was in their hands. Regardless of the situation and how you got there, you MUST look forward and not backwards to achieve any resolution.
Suffice to say, this company did very well during the housing boom because it didn't matter how they treated people. However, over the course of the last two years, their business is suffering terribly.
The key to successful conflict-resolution is creating a Win-Win situation. Both parties involved in the conflict must feel as though a positive solution has been reached.
I'll be expanding on this topic in the coming weeks with a more elaborate article as part of my Ezine mailer that I send out.
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