- That is the same generic question everyone for every company asks.
- Why do you have zero emotion in your voice?
If you have no desire for what you are doing, STOP doing it!
There are lots of things that you can do so wasting the time away being miserable is not worth it.
Try something different...perhaps one of these phrases with some BIG EMOTION in your voice!
"Thank you for calling! I'm [insert name], how may I benefit you today!"
"Welcome to [Insert Workplace], I'm [Insert Name]! What would you like to Accomplish Today?!"
Instead of saying "hello" first, try thanking / welcoming first. It is disarming and polite. It is a subtle way to open a conversation that feels more comfortable.
Sometimes "hello" sounds like you are disturbing someone or bothering them...it can make the person that is needing help feel like a nuisance....depending of course on Passion and Voice Inflection.
Try it. See what kind of results you get. You won't be disappointed!
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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