In this blog, Curt shares ideas, tips, techniques, stories, and anything else about Improving Likeability!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
YOU need to be in HIGH Demand!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
When Training Works!

Improvement will happen because it is a proven fact the more confident you are in your own ability, the more success you will have in your endeavors.
Prepare yourself in advance for the most common objections you hear
If you sell anything, you know that objections are merely a defense mechanism that are designed to gain more information. You CAN also plan in ADVANCE for the objections you will hear. Perhaps not all of them, but most of them.
Learn to Listen Before Responding
No effective communication can take place without properly listening. Don't wait to talk, actually listen so you can respond. This takes discipline and effort to do it effectively.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
How to Set an Appointment!

Does that seem like a good method?
Wow! You spend all that time with a prospect and 70% of the time, you will never see them again. Are you interested in learning the correct technique?
Rule # 1: Know when your prospects are coming back.
You do not want to have them show up randomly on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. This is your prime fishing time for new future buyers. Spending this time with an unannounced prospect return eats into your future sales.
How to do this:
Have a reason for a return visit. You do not have to show off all your knowledge on the first visit. If you cannot close a buyer on the first visit, be smart with the information that you provide. Hold back a few key details that they have questions about.
If there are no questions at the conclusion of their visit and they don’t buy, you are not doing a good enough job at discovering their buying objections.
The two best ways to ensure a return appointment are Urgency and Benefits. Provide Value and people will return.
Reasons for an appointment:
- Unable to show a particular home
- Unable to show a certain homesite
- Unable to get certain pricing on luxury features
- Come back for financing details
- Price Increase
- Incentives Expiring
I will repeat this line. If you are unable to close the sale, hold back some of the above information for a follow-up.
When you call them, say something to the effect of, “In order to give you the time and attention that you deserve….”
Remember, you need to create urgency and benefits, beginning your statement like I have written above; you make the prospect feel important by the value you will provide them at the appointment.
How To Set The Appointment
Use the Alternate Choice Close.
Say something like this, “Since I know you love the home and that beautiful homesite, I would hate for you to be upset with me if I didn’t inform you that our prices are increasing on Monday. With that in mind, when is a better time for you to come back and review this great opportunity? Is Tuesday at 6:00 PM good, or would Wednesday at 11:00 AM be better?”
Don’t talk again, until they respond.
Try this for one month and watch your sales grow!
Monday, July 28, 2008
New FHA Guidelines...Listen Up Fence Sitters-IT IS TIME TO BUY!

- SUBMIT ALL PAPERWORK for the loan BEFORE 10/1/2008.
NEW DEAL: Tax Credit for First Time Home Buyers.
IMPACT: First Time Home Buyers WILL be Eligible for a TAX CREDIT of 10% of the NEW Home Purchase or a TOTAL NOT TO EXCEED $7,500.
This Tax Credit is really more of an upfront loan as it WILL be required to be paid back in equal installments over the course of the next 15 Years. It will be taken out of your Tax return Check each year, so in most cases it won't be necessary to actually write a check.
Still a good scenario to provide an Immediate Boost to help First Time Home Buyers budget with their NEW Home Investment.
A First Time Buyer is Classified as NOT having any ownership benefit over the course of the last 3 consecutive years.
There are other details involved in the NEW Housing Bill, but these are the 3 MOST Impactful items to Affect YOU.
THE TIME IS NOW FIRST TIME BUYERS! If you are undecided about a home, but desire to make a purchase, the COST of WAITING just got a bit higher.
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
The Country I Love!

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Time to throw away the OLD Sales Grading System!

As a Professional Sale Trainer I have watched more "Shop Tapes" that I can remember.
As a Normal Consumer of everyday products and services I have listened to more Sales Spiel's than I wish to recount.
My Conclusion:
- Canned Sales Presentations are Terrible
- Forced Sales Presentations are Forgettable
- Company Mandated Questions are Boring
- 95% of Sales Presentations are Predictable
What do the following words relay to you?
- Terrible
- Forgettable
- Boring
- Predictable
The majority of sales presentations have NOT evolved over time.
*(Que Movie Voice Guy)*
In a world where virtually every product or service has enhanced over time, why has the presentation part been left behind?
The product is important, the presentation is Crucial.
The Product may be necessary, the Perceived Benefits are Key.
The Product fills a void, a good presentation fulfills an Emotional Desire.
Has your presentation Evolved?
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Be in the moment....at the moment!

Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Leadership is in what you DO, not what you say.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Return Phone Calls equals Higher Likeability and More Sales

- To gain higher customer retention
- Improved Referral Based Business
- Less awkward moments of you "making up a reason for not calling back"
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Curiosity: A Pre-Requisite to Success in Sales

- Your Clients
- Your Product
- Your Current Skills
- Your Future Skills
Natural curiosity will keep you asking questions and listening to answers just as you would in a conversation with a close friend.
Curiosity will keep you interested in learning the tiny little nuances and intricate details of your product.
It will allow you to give yourself a "REAL" gauge of how efficient and effective your current skill level is and what it might be like if you improve.
How curious are you?
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Attention all Sales People! Sell Yourself FIRST!

Sunday, July 20, 2008
Preparing your Presentation....

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Notice to ALL Salespeople...Drop the gimmicks and start Helping!
"What's it gonna take to put you in one of these?"...I mean, seriously? What kind of ridiculous sales line is that?
If you take the time to actually ask quality questions and ENGAGE your prospect, you will never have to ask this question again...they will tell you...they WANT to tell you...if only you will let them!
People are WAAAAAY to smart these days and knowledgeable about your "sales tactics." Drop the spiel and start helping.
As a Successful Sales Professional that does a large percentage of business based on Strong Referrals, I can tell you it is easier, less costly, and much more friendly to do business that way.
I hear the following comments every week:
- "I was afraid to walk in the door at first, but you set us totally at ease"
- "This was a totally different experience than we though it was going to be"
- "I can't tell you how much you have helped us with such an important decision"
- "You are SO MUCH different than everyone else we have spoken with."
- "Why didn't the guy at the other company tell us about this?"
If these type of comments are not a regular occurrence for you, perhaps a change in approach is long overdue?
For help with your sales process and delivery send me an email to curt@thelikeabilityguy.com
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
NEVER curb qualify a new prospect!
In this week's edition of my ezine I will tell the story of a fantastic first hand account of being curb-qualified.
Curb Qualified-When a prospective person makes a judgement about another person without any facts, conversation, and anything that results in a negative interaction.
To set the stage, I thought today was a great day to make a new car purchase....only the 2 auto dealers I visited had other ideas.
I'll detail my Interesting Encounters in this Thursdays Ezine.
Here are a just a few quick TIPS:
- Ask Questions:
- Listen to Answers Closely:
- Discover the Reasons for the New Purchase:
- Attempt to Help Satisfy your NEW Discovery:
- Confirm that your solution is the RIGHT solution for your prospect:
- Determine if there are any other IMPORTANT Factors in the Buying Decision:
- Don't Assume anything....EVER
- Base all your NEW prospect knowledge on the Answers you are provided and not the clothing or automobile they are driving....you never know who you are speaking with.
Do you Curb Qualify?
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Likeability is all in the SMILE!

Have you ever worked with one of those people that just always seemed to have a scowl tattooed on their face? A person that no matter what is happening around them, they just look miserable.
They don’t seem very Likeable do they? I mean seriously, would you ever consider approaching the “mean scowl guy” for a problem?
I would be willing to bet that they have been stuck in the same job, doing the same task day after day after day with no satisfaction. They probably have received the minimum salary increase each year out of obligation rather then anything else.
Is this you? Do you want to end up like this?
Heck No!!
A nice friendly smile serves many benefits to both you and others around you.
Here are the Top 4 benefits of smiling:
1) It makes you feel better.
2) It relaxes others around you, creating a more approachable and comfortable feel. You are perceived as more friendly.
3) It gives off a great vibe that says, “I’m happy to be here, I’m confidant, and I love my job”.
4) Emotions are contagious. It you smile, so will somebody else.
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Come decision time, Likeability is often the deciding factor!
10 TIPS to improving Likeability
- Smile More-More Smiling instantly lightens your appearance making you more likeable and more approachable.
- Introduce yourself to the "new guy" first-This simple action makes people feel welcome and also places you in a position to be a leader.
- Offer Assistance without being asked-This action alone will make you stand out and increase your Likeability by leaps and bounds. It is a fleeting practice.
- Open doors for people-People notice the little subtle acts such as opening doors. You never know who is walking behind you. If you can just pay attention for 2 seconds while you walk through a door to glance around, you may just make someones day a little better.
- Get better at self-deprecating humor-This shows confidence, humor and makes you more human. Poke fun at yourself and your Likeability Rating will soar! Use a bit of sense here though, too much of this shows low confidence which will have the opposite effect.
- Understand that you don't actually now all the answers-The know it all soon becomes very lonely in just about any setting. The first thing that leaders understand is that they don't know all the answers.
- Be open to the possibility that you are not right....all the time-This differs from #6 in that people that always have to be correct also come across as combative and argumentative. These people are always arguing their point without the slightest awareness that someone else may also have a point.
- Be Positive-Positivity is infectious. More Positive=More Likeable
- Speak with Enthusiasm--Buehler...Buehler...Buehler...Not so much. Monotone is boring. The average attention span is not long enough to fight through a boring and monotone voice. Enthusiasm is contagious. Enthusiasm = Passion.
- Be Proactive-Be a go-getter. Being Proactive serves as motivation for others. They will notice your progress, respect your ability, and want to help you achieve your goal.
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker
Monday, July 14, 2008
Can I Make a Difference?

Sunday, July 13, 2008
The TRUTH about the Housing Market!
There is only one problem with stories like these. They are NOT an actual representation of the housing market!!
For some reason it has become acceptable and almost expected to tell false blanket stories that project a very negative and false picture of the housing economy.
Is it true that housing has lost value in parts of California?....YES!
Is it true that home values have decreased over parts of the East and West Coast?....YES!
Is it true that the Economic conditions for job growth in Detroit are difficult?....YES!
As a Real Estate Expert in Texas I can tell you that these issues that are being faced in other parts of the country have little to no effect in the Texas market.
These are the FACTS!
- 262,000 NEW Jobs created from April of 07' to April of 08'!
- 11,000 NEW People move to the Dallas / Fort Worth Metroplex EVERY Month!
- Homes are NOT Losing Value on a wide scale.
So then why is it acceptable to issue Negative Blanket Statements for the Housing Industry to the Public?
In any other aspect of life, accepting blanket statements and stereotypes is considered the lowest form of journalism, is unethical, and is for the most part ignorant.
If Housing is down in Miami, does that mean it is also down in Dallas?.....NO! That makes NO sense!
If crime is high in Washington DC, does that mean crime is also high in Trophy Club, TX?....NO! That makes NO Sense!
The Media Needs to stop trying to Localize a National Issue. It is both inaccurate and Dangerous. The negative news flow is hindering the housing market across the nation by fear mongering and scaring the public.
THE TRUTH ABOUT what the media is doing is this:
In Texas and other very solid markets around the country, people are waiting to purchase homes because they HEAR the market is bad. They are waiting to purchase because the NEWS tells them prices will keep falling.
Only one problem....IT'S WRONG!
- Prices WILL begin to rise very soon. With higher gas prices come higher building costs--just like anything else you purchase.
- Interest Rates will be going back UP to their normal range. 5% and 6% Mortgage Rates are NOT the norm.
- The LONGER you are told to wait...the HIGHER the cost to you.
The TRUTH about Interest Rates
- 20-Year Average is 7.3%
- 30-Year Average is 8.8%
- Pre 9/11 Average back to 1990 is 7.67%
- POST 9/11 Average is 6.23%
- *9/11 Shocked the world. Rates were lowered to stimulate buying to spur the economy and lower consumer fear.
The time has come to end the False Stories and the Negative Information Exchange. It is doing nothing except promote a poor economy, costing Americans more of their future money (the cost of waiting), and perpetuate a growing feeling of insecurity.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
It’s time to change the Sale Model! Changing Buying Dynamics Requires a New Method…
Virtually every sales training class is based on the following cycle:
- Greet
- Discover
- Qualify
- Close
So often in the typical sales cycle, Sales Professionals are given scripting methods for pre-determined questions or perhaps a long list of “good” questions to ask for “Discovering buyer needs” or “Qualifying and Closing related Questions.”
I’m not opposed to asking good questions at the correct and most opportune time for the buyer, but I do disagree with asking the wrong question at the wrong time.
What I mean is this: In watching countless shop tapes and listening to numerous sales presentations, what I see is NOT that people don’t ask all the questions the sales model says, it’s that they are asked at the wrong time only to feed the sales agenda of completing the sales cycle.
The end result is a more confused, frustrated and annoyed buyer that feels drained and beaten. If you have ever wondered why you feel a twinge of angst or apprehension before walking into any sales arena, (Car, Home, and Retail) it’s simply the pre-determined notion that the person doing the selling DOES NOT CARE about you.
Could it be because virtually every sales training program teaches the same general method? Perhaps if there was a different, more buyer focused method of Selling-(Helping), the buying-selling dynamic would change from a less guarded struggle to a more open and dynamic conversation.
In today’s world, buyers are savvier, more independent, and more knowledgeable about EVERYTHING! Many at some point in time have been in the same sales training as you have, so they know what you are TRYING to do.
So what is my method? What do I propose?
Instead of having pre-determined questions in your head or scribbled on your notepad to ask, focus on listening and responding instead. I am NOT saying do not be prepared and focused on taking the conversation down the path towards a sale, I am saying be LESS focused on TALKING and more prepared to LISTEN.
HINT: The Only way to make sure this NEW listening focus happens is to rid yourself of the habit of asking the same mundane pre-determined questions.
When the current sales model was first introduced many years ago, times were vastly different than they are today. If sales are down and you continue to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result that defines INSANITY!
This Listening Focus is virtually the exact opposite of the normal sales process. But guess what?
IT WORKS!! People care about themselves, their friends, and their families and do not have time for your agenda and sales method of talking and talking and talking some more.
Before a potential buyer ever walks in the door of a sales office they are well versed in the products you offer and that of your competition. They have some knowledge of the typical sales process and the pre-determined questions that will be asked. They know the sales persons agenda in advance and will be guarded and defensive until the sales person proves them wrong.
Being equipped with this knowledge, wouldn’t it make sense to CHANGE the sales approach?
It has become commonplace to hear sales people talk of their current day struggles as negative economic perceptions influence buying patterns. I hear stories of buyers being more aggressive towards sale people, less willing to talk, and less willing to part with their hard earned money.
If this is the case, perhaps it is time to shift to a more Buyer Focused Agenda?
Instead of calling my approach a NEW sales process, I would prefer to think of it is a New Buying Cycle. Nobody wants to be sold, but everyone wants to BUY!
To shed the notion of the non-caring sales person, and improve the Buying Cycle, this NEW approach needs to resonate and take hold across all sales industries from homes to cars to retail, would you agree?
- Forget about the scripts and pre-determined questions you want to ask.
- Prepare yourself to Listen-NOT to talk.
- When a Buying Prospect asks a question, answer it and Piggy-back your next question from their previous question. This is conversational and natural.
- Be in Control of the path, but ALLOW the buyer to choose the road.
- Change the agenda from Sales Focused to Help Focused FIRST and sales will follow.