To succeed and be the best, YOU need to be in HIGH Demand!
Remember, it isn't about the product it is about how you Present YOUR Product.
Here are a few ways to Create your own brand:
Be Unique:
Not many people like boring and mundane. Whatever you are selling, give people a reason to buy it from you. Most consumers believe most products are simple commodities (equal). It is your job to make YOUR product one of a kind.
Don't ask the same questions as everyone else in your profession. Ask fun and enlightening questions that make your prospect think and take an active role.
Be Positive:
Lots of buying prospects come in with a bit of a chip on their shoulder. They may even say negative things about your product. Forget about it. These are defense mechanisms that all people have. If they weren't interested in some form or fashion, they would not be talking to you in the first place.
Stay positive. Convert Negative questions and statements into positive benefits. It's easy to jump on the bandwagon and be negative. Only true Professionals can stay positive and transfer that feeling to others.
Improve your Self Concept:
To be in HIGH Demand, YOU MUST believe that you should be in high demand. Tell yourself that you are the best everyday. I don't mean be arrogant, but you MUST have HIGH Confidence in your own ability if you want anyone else to believe it.
The power of positive thought has been proven throughout history to be the launching pad for future success!
Are you in HIGH Demand?
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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