I have read article after article and listened to trainer after trainer give tips and clues how to sell more effectively.
Typically, you hear the same general stuff, with almost NO emphasis on the MOST important factor.
In the eyes of the public---your prospects---whatever it is that you sell is not perceived as unique or "One of a Kind."
No matter how hard you try, people generally will not see things the way you see it. You know your product is unique and is great, but relaying that message in a sales environment is difficult.
With this understanding, it is IMPERATIVE that you sell yourself first.
If you go into demo mode or persuasion mode without selling yourself, you might as well just save your breath, because it won't matter.
The difference in virtually every decision that a prospect makes comes down to their experience with their sales person.
In home sales, it is the opinion of many decision makers and trainers that the sales person is not as important as the home itself or the options that are inside.
The sales person is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of the equation.
Don't fall into the trap that homes, prices, options, or anything else is what you should be selling.
You are selling yourself FIRST!
Once you do that, the rest comes next.
People make the difference.
YOU make the difference.
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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