I do not consider myself to be a Democrat.
I do not consider myself to be a Republican.
I do not have a rooting interest in Barack Obama.
I do not have a rooting interest in John McCain.
I consider myself an American Citizen.
I don't believe in labels that divide people or a nation as we have become.
The founders of our Great Country believed in that very fabric. They believed that the citizens should govern themselves.
It is sad to watch as our country is slowly being taken further and further away from where we began. Politicians decide what is law and what is not. Judges decide what is Constitutional and what is not.
These two facets of Government that are supposed to serve as the backbone of our great Democracy are failing and have been failing for many years.
This is NOT a Republican Issue and it is NOT a Democrat issue. It is an American Issue.
The problem is easy to identify. The solution is right in front of our faces. Why is implementation so difficult?
This is a country that is filled with Great Men and Women that are full of Desire, Wisdom, Focus, and Ability that strive to create a better Nation.
I have grown tired of listening to debates amongst Democrats and Republicans for the sole purpose of dividing our Country and feeding the agenda of the few and NOT the whole.
Throughout history we have seen the downfall of many nations and its citizens due to expanding perceived differences amongst the people and the powerful. Though I know our country is too strong to ever be brought to it's knees, the mere thought is not one that inspires.
We have entered an age of discontent and confusion. Fear Mongering and Negativity have become everyday mainstream news. The stories of triumph and hope have been suffocated and are disappearing with each passing day.
Are we still a Great Nation?
We are indeed. We are still the Greatest Nation on earth, but we are not without our problems and faults.
We need Leadership. Real Leadership.
We need Leadership not from politicians and policy makers, but from our Citizens. In a free society we elect our policy makers.
The time has come to drop the Status Quo. We need to ALL stand Up together as ONE. We are a Nation divided, but we CAN again be a Nation Together.
All people desire for Hope, Health, Opportunity, Security, and Comfort. These are not just the desires of certain people, they are the dreams of ALL People.
Allow your voice to be heard as an American Citizen! The time has come to drop the labels of political parties and agendas and BEGIN serving the greater good of ALL Citizens.
Am I naive to think this can happen?
Perhaps I am.
But as an American Citizen with ONLY one opportunity to live my life, it is my Desire to Unite not divide.
It is my goal to live in happiness not fear.
It is my dream to succeed and help others do the same.
We CAN make this happen. It is within our grasp. It is our Time.
Let's Lead Together and take back control of the Country I Love!
Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Expert, New Home Sales Professional, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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