Friday, May 22, 2009

Opinions, Facts, and BS!!

With a title like that, it can only mean one thing. Politician Talk!!


This article will only be offensive if you ARE a current politician. It is NOT a partisan article.

Okay, with that disclaimer out of the way, I have one question that made me think about writing this.

Why would any young person ever want to choose and pursue a career in politics?

If you you live outside the bubble of die hard raging partisan politics, it seems pretty clear that our current group of policy makers are nothing more than a bunch of knuckle heads that will do nothing productive.

Rather then create policies that are good for 90% (can't please everyone) of the people like they should be doing, they have to be stubborn and closed minded. There only REAL Goal is to take a generic position on an issue and then defend it vigorously no matter what kind of evidence is thrown in their face.

It really is the height of ignorance.

In REAL life, it is okay to believe a certain way is the right way to go, but it is also okay to change your mind when presented with facts that support a different position.

NOT our politicians.

In REAL life, when you are pitiful at your job and you do nothing productive while being argumentative with everyone you work get FIRED!

NOT our politicians.

In REAL life, when EVERY performance review comes back negative, you have a period of time to improve or you are also FIRED!

NOT our politicians.

In REAL life, when speaking in a courtroom it is required for people to tell the truth.

NOT our politicians.

So what kind of message do our politicians send to the youth of America?
  • It's okay to lie.

  • Facts are not important.

  • Job performance is totally irrelevant.

  • Laziness is rewarded.

  • Grandstanding for exposure is key to success.

To be honest. These are the traits that I teach my children are for the weak minded. I tell my children that hard work, honesty, communication, intelligence, desire and passion will allow them to achieve anything they want.

But then I sit back and wonder if my message will fall on deaf ears as my kids get older.

I wonder if they will see what our "leaders" do to become successful and want to mirror them.

I wonder if they will see the lack of common sense, compassion, and intelligence displayed and start to behave accordingly.

Then I take a deep breath, sit back and realize that by the time my kids are old enough to start paying attention, most of today's ridiculous politicians will be gone and I am left with optimism that WE as citizens of the United States will unite in the face of all the nonsense and simply say....No More.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

What do you REALLY want?

I was talking to an old friend the other day. He is going through a bit of a tough stretch at his current job. In talking to him, he seems somewhat torn about what to do next.

He talked about changing companies, but doing the same job (this didn't seem to illicit much enjoyment) and he talked about grinding it out at his current company (also didn't illicit much joy).

I asked about what else he had an interest in doing since neither of his current options seemed all that appealing to him. After talking for a little while longer, he seemed resigned to making a choice about one of these two very non-appealing options.

To be honest, I was disappointed.

I wanted to help. I was really looking for just a small opening of passion in another area that I could try and motivate him to do, but I couldn't find it.

I wonder if it is from years of being beaten down by the trials of life. Maybe it is from not understanding how completely capable he is to be successful at something else. Or perhaps it is just that he has come to a point in his life where he is more secure in being content as opposed to being driven by passion.

I can't help but hope that never happens to me. I can't imagine living my life ever feeling resigned to the fact that I can't control my own path. I don't want to think about ever not feeling that passion about doing something new and making it a success.

  • What do you want?
  • What do you REALLY want?
  • What are you doing today?
  • Is what your doing today getting you ANY closer to doing what you REALLY want?
  • Why Not?
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The always Illusive and Tricky "Value" Proposition

If there is a bigger sales buzzword than "value" I'm certainly not aware of it. Value is almost always talked about by training professionals as one of the most important measures of having a successful sales outcome.

It's often said that by providing "value" first, you will increase your odds of making the sale.

I don't disagree with this logic at all. As a matter of fact, I believe it whole heartily and have experienced many years of personal success having done exactly that.

Where this conversation gets a little "muddy" is the definition of "value."

  1. What is it?

  2. Who defines it?

  3. Where can I get it?

Value IS anything (Verbal Exchange / Tangible Exchange) viewed in the CUSTOMERS eyes as important and it is provided by YOU.

Value IS ONLY defined by the CUSTOMER. It can never be assumed by the Sales Person what might be of importance to the customer.

Value can ONLY be found in understanding the TRUE needs of the customer. If a Sales Person guesses value and tries to provide their will never be found.

Value can be construed in so many different ways it is difficult to provide a simple answer to the "what is it" question.

It can be simply that you are a fantastic listener and you make the customer feel comfortable and confidant.

It can be that you offered them a great "deal" after determining what is important for them.

It may be that you build great rapport (Likeability) and the customer really enjoys being around you and working with you.

  • How do you Really know if you have been successful in your Value Proposition?

The way I can always tell is that the conversation will turn from a more superficial (generic)conversation to a way more meaningful discussion. The customer starts to describe their thoughts in descriptive paragraph like details rather then one word or odd single sentence type speak.

Many sales people think that Most prospective customers are a pain because they give them the "Heisman-(Stiff arm)" during their interactions. The truth is they are avoiding you as a defense mechanism to avoid the annoying and often clueless sales person.

You MUST prove otherwise for them to "open" up.

During conversations with past assistants or with sales people looking for help, I typically turn the topic to specific encounters. I like to always ask how the conversation typically ends with certain customers.

The customers I like to ask about are the ones that the sales person thinks were decent prospects, but they could not convert them to a sale. In essence, they were duped by the customer which creates frustration for the sales person.

If it is a cordial but still mostly generic conversation you may think you have a good prospect...most likely you don't.

If the customer is doing most of the talking and asking more and more questions you most likely have a winner. They are "hot." Don't blow this opportunity. Follow-Up quickly with answers to their questions.

Understand that every single customer is different so assuming the same value is good for each person will NOT yield the results you want.

Be aware that value is not a random buzzword but a very real transfer that must occur, in the customers eyes, from the sales person to them. The quicker in the conversation that this occurs the better odds the sales person will have in a successful outcome.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Face of your company is the person that answers the Phone!

Yesterday, I decided I was going to look for a different printing and design company to assist with a few different ventures. I was looking to design a new logo, get a few different types of brochures made, letterhead, envelopes, and a few more items.

In any case, I was referred to a particular company from a friend and colleague of mine. So, I did what I normally do and checked them out via the Internet to see what kind of capability they had.

I was satisfied by what I read, but still had some particular questions since I had various items for a few different projects to take care of.

They had one of those nice little "Web Chat" type deals on their web site, so I signed in and asked for some assistance regarding my questions. In just a few seconds, a customer representative replied with a very generic "pre-typed" response.

I replied again, re-stating my question and again received a "pre-typed" response. Though this only took a few seconds, it was already very annoying. This time I replied politely, that he was not answering my questions, and asked if we could speak.

The response was, "Yes, call the number on the screen and ask for the design department." I'm thinking great, this will probably be much easier. Not so fast.

So I call the number and ask for the "design team." Not more then a second after I make that statement am I getting stiff armed by the receptionist saying they don't really allow people to talk to them without paying first. My response was that I understood, but had a volume of different materials needed and first needed to speak with someone before paying for something that may not be correct.

I even stated that I was told to call and ask for the design team. He put me on hold for a minute or so then came back and asked for my sign up ID and Order number. I told him again, that I had not paid anything to get an order number, because it was necessary to speak with someone first.

After a bit of sarcasm from the Representative as he re-stated that speaking to someone about what you need is not really their protocol before any money is transferred, I was placed on hold again for about 5 minutes. I got the hint.

Clearly this company was ALL about the bottom line first, and actually helping a customer was not even a priority. Naturally, I hung up. There is not a chance in the world I would ever work or trust a company like this with my money, design needs, or schedule deliveries.

Within a few minutes, I called another company, and everything has been smooth since the first step. Amazing what a little common sense and courtesy can do.

In any case, my suggestion to any company is that if you have someone that is either inept, unwilling, or just naturally unpleasant, DO NOT allow them to speak with customers. Especially if they are your front line. To me, the face of the company is that person that I speak to first.

I sent this company a short little email stating how they could improve their business and how I would not do business with them because of the rudeness I experienced at the outset of the process. After I told them who I was and what I was doing, their interest in helping was very high and asked if they could reconcile.

Politely, I said no thank you and that I had already made a new commitment with a company that desired my business from the first phone call NOT after the first mistake.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dream Big or Live in Content?

We had the baptism of my youngest daughter this past Saturday. We invited our immediate family and a couple close personal friends to join the celebration.

After the actual event itself, we went back to have the post reception type deal and everyone came over to have a good time. While there was definitely some non-eventful small talk happening throughout the house, there was one conversation that I had that made me stop and think.

To give a quick background check, you have to understand that I have always been the guy in the room (any room) that seems to think slightly different then everyone else. I don't say that to say that it is always a great thing, but rather to just inform that my thoughts are typically non-conforming to everyone Else's.

A friend of mine and I were having a conversation about current personal events, upcoming activities and things of that nature. About the moment that I was sharing a few details about some new activities I was about to engage in another person joined the conversation.

After a few moments of small talk about his business, he said something that got me to thinking. He basically made the comment that life is all about just getting through the day, plodding along trying to find moments of fun, then you basically die.

Although, I have always thought tons of people think that way, it always just kind of startles me when I hear it verbalized.

Can you really believe that is what your life is meant for? All I could think about is that is a horrible way to live. Basically, it sounds like if that is your thought process, you are just waiting to die.

Wow. Just terrible.

I like to think that each day I wake up, it is my obligation to try something new, push myself to some activity that I am not sure about, learn something, help someone, or whatever else.

The way I see it, every day is sort of a new adventure. I don't allow the day to take me down a boring path of mediocrity. But rather give myself an opportunity to grow in some area.

To me, it comes down to one simple thought.

No matter what happens or what action you take or don't take, the same exact amount of time is going to pass. It is not preventable. The clock WILL keep moving forward. If everyone knows this, then why not spend that same exact amount of time doing something different?

Use that window of time to learn something, try something, or help someone.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Do you want the ball?

Okay, here it is.....

You've angled for this for so long. Working extra hours, helping your co-workers, whispering to upper management in the shadows...and now, the big moment has arrived!

You are officially promoted to a management position.

Wonderful. Great. Que the bells and the perfectly sculpted white doves for a fly over.

Finally, now that all that effort has paid off, it's time to relax and tell other people what to do. Let the Good Times Roll!

(Move the clock forward 1 month)

Why won't anybody do what I tell them? This stinks. I'm getting yelled at because these people won't do their job. Why can't they work like me?

Here's the deal...
  • If your management style is to talk AT people, rather than with people, you will lose.

  • If your management style is to dictate mundane tasks without explaining the benefit to them, you, or their co-workers, you will lose.

  • If you let your guard down even slightly after the promotion, it isn't an act of the universe conspiring against you that more issues arise, it's that you are slightly less motivated.

To effectively manage people, especially in situations where the work is somewhat mundane, it is imperative that you understand people.

  • People want to feel important.

  • Many people feel their daily job tasks are boring, spice it up.

  • People enjoy the feeling of recognition...on a routine basis. (monthly perhaps)

  • People are more capable than they think. Switch things up and add responsibilities.

Create a series of mini managers in your group and guess what? You get WAY MORE done. Your employees are happier. YOU look better. Everyone wins.

Understand that as a manager, it is no longer about you. It's about your employees and creating MORE situations for them to succeed and feel happy. When they win, you win. Not the other way around.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

How bad do you REALLY want it?

Over the years, I have taken part in many "business opportunity" type meetings where friends, colleagues, strangers, or whoever have approached me about an "idea."

In almost every situation, if I have the time, I will meet and listen. I learned a long time ago that I have no false illusions of thinking I know everything or how to do everything. My contention is that for long term financial security it is important to have multiple streams of income.

Therefore, if market conditions dictate the slow down of one aspect of your business, you are not placed in a bad situation. So I will sit and listen to most "new" opportunities.

This is what I have found:

1) There are some great "untapped" opportunities out there.

2) People do NOT lack the ability to formulate the idea, the lack the desire to actually make their idea a reality.

3) People do NOT lack the knowledge for improvement, they lack the motivation to change "old" thinking.

4) People do NOT lack the desire to have more success, they lack the consistency it takes to achieve it.

5) People do NOT lack the vision of new opportunities, they lack the confidence to deal with the initial "vision rejection" that takes place.

The opportunities are there for everyone to take advantage of. You don't have to be wealthy in terms of financial ability to launch your idea or dream. You MUST, however, be Rich with internal fortitude to have the stomach for the fight.

You MUST be wealthy with confidence to know that you are destined for something more which WILL give you the ability to change other peoples "old" mind sets and get on board.

It isn't that people oppose new ideas or changes, it is that they have not yet been shown a better way to do something with unwavering passion that provides them the motivation to do something new.

Give people your passion and a good idea and you will get the change.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Leadership Misconceptions

I just left a meeting where an interesting conversation took place.

An Employee was having an issue with a vendor.

In the situation, the vendor was having some issues in meeting the schedules and requests of the employee. However, the employee was up to speed on all the details of how the issue began and had a solution for how to resolve it.

He was clear, concise, and quite informed. The issue was not one that could be resolved in a quick manner like one or two days, but rather about 3-4 weeks. It sounded as if the 3-4 week time line was virtually unavoidable due to certain lead time issues.

At the conclusion of the employee having this conversation, his Director Level Superior chimed in with what I found to be somewhat misguided leadership. She said, "we need this issue resolved," in a somewhat stern tone. Her goal was to intimidate the employee.

After a few other misguided comments from the Director, the employee reiterated the work around plan with clarity.

I was left sitting there with questions of leadership in my mind.

1) When an employee shows intelligence, control, and has the ability to create a successful plan of action, why would a Manager try and make them feel useless?

2) Is true leadership in an instance like this not telling the employee good job on organizing your resolution plan?

3) People are NOT leaders because they have Manager in their title. They are leaders because they can LEAD people to follow them.

4) Why would any employee ever follow or be motivated by a Manager such as the one in my example?

5) Do Bad Managers know they are not leaders or do they think they are successful because of a title?

REAL Leadership IS:

1) The ability to make your employees feel "success" in their everyday job tasks.

2) The ability to step back and allow your employees to make REAL Decisions of action.

3) The ability to say, "thank you" or "congratulations on a job well done."

4) The belief that you ONLY want to hire people that want YOUR job.

5) The confidence to "Step back" and let your employees take the Lead.

6) Giving your employees a taste of NEW responsibilities on a REGULAR basis.

Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Fundamentals of Business

If you have any plans of starting a business or remaining in business, it would be a good idea to have answers to the following questions:

1) Who are we?

2) What do we really do?

3) What is our Chief competitive advantage?

4) Is there a real demand for what we do?

5) What do we think about first. Profits or People?

6) Why we formed this business? If it's primarily focused to make money, you lose.

7) Is your product or service better or just a different version of the same?

I find that many upstart companies and even many established (but not overly successful) companies have a difficult time answering these.

I am routinely asked my opinion on various "new" business opportunities across many different subject matters. If I can't get an answer on these questions because you don't know the answer, starting a new business is not a good idea.

When you can answer ALL these questions honestly, clearly, and concisely and have the ability to relay them ALL to your customers....YOU WIN!

Curt Fletcher is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

Friday, May 8, 2009

**Interview Training Announcement**

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy and Danny McElroy will be hosting an interview training event on 6/9/2009 and 6/10/2009 from 6pm – 8pm each night. This Opportunity requires an investment of $150.00 per person, and 2 hours of smartly utilized time. Each class is limited to a total of 25 people.

To register:
1) Sign up by calling 817-913-7054 or by emailing
2) Select the class you will be attending.
3) Please come to the class with cash or check on hand as admittance will not be allowed without it.

**You MUST Register at least 1 week (6/1/2009) in advance to secure a definite spot.

You will receive a confirmation email. If both classes are full, we will make arrangements for additional people in the class or hold another session on another day.

We have received a large volume of interest regarding this information so we have decided to make them public events.

Location WILL be in the North Texas Area. Venue will be Finalized upon class participant confirmation and sent to all Registrants.

What you WILL learn:
1) How to connect with a company that you desire to work for. (Not what you might think)
2) How to get your foot in the door. (Networking-who do you know…who knows you?)
3) How to conduct the conversation during the interview. (Not what you have may have learned)

What will NOT be discussed:
1) Anything that you can find on GOOGLE.
2) Generic information.
3) Useless Information.
4) Fluff.

How you WILL Benefit:
1) You WILL increase your odds of landing an interview with a company you want to work for.
2) You WILL increase your odds of obtaining the job.

This is a class that you don’t want to miss. The information you will obtain is not something that you will get in a school classroom or by searching the Internet.

Curt and Danny are NOT typical classroom teachers. We are two guys that have experienced extremely high levels of success across multiple situations. We speak about Real Experiences and Factual information, not things that sound good or that work as theories.

Expect high levels of energy, Rare and Very Valuable Usable Information, and Fun.

**What to bring**
Something to write with, notepad, recording device if you choose, and most importantly your BRAIN for thinking and asking questions.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Improving Your Selectability!

So you want that new job, huh? Perhaps you are angling for a promotion. Maybe, you are trying to get a better deal on a home purchase or a car. Could it be that you are striving for more money or recognition. What about those event tickets your co-worker is giving away?

Hmmm. If there are so many opportunities in any given day, I wonder why you never hear anyone discuss the single most important factor of the selection process?

Perhaps it is not known. Maybe it is misunderstood. I think it is the latter.

I hear so many people talk about being "lucky" they got picked for this or "lucky" to have received such a generous pay raise. I have talked to people that explain that they don't understand why they were either picked or not picked in an interview.

Quite simply. It's ALL about Likeability!

The time has come to understand this dynamic of the selection process...of anything. The stars just don't align for some people while others are constantly followed by an annoying rain cloud. It isn't some metaphysical happening that certain people are seemingly always held in higher esteem then others.

Here is the dilemma for many people. They get frustrated by not being able to get the job they want, promotion, pay, or whatever. When that happens, they get bogged down in mediocrity because they don't understand how to change their situation. It isn't that people strive for mediocrity, it is that they don't know what to do.

Well, it's well past time to kick of the Likeability Revolution.

Likeability IS a LEARNED skill. Some people have the natural ability to be Likeable, but many do not. GOOD NEWS!! It CAN be learned.

If you can learn it, you can do it. If you can do it, then you can improve your situation if desired. If you can improve your situation, you can show someone else how to do the same thing and improve their situation.

It's a circle of success. When you choose to get started, you will forever alter your future for the better. You become a pillar of success by creating your own empire of happiness. Think about it....

If you choose to improve your Likeability and then gain new success, then show others how to do the same thing, how will you be viewed by your circle of influence? Most likely you will be near the top because you have had a direct hand in the success of others.

Do you think this opens the door for new opportunities? Where would you be in the chain of selectability?

You guessed it. At the TOP!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Okay, so uniqueability is probably not a real word, but it should be. Since I sort of made it up, I guess I can make up my own definition also.

Uniqueability-To understand and appreciate the ability to be different then something else.

It's not about just being different for the sake of being different, but rather understanding why you need to be different.

It's that knowledge of knowing how and why to be different that will set you apart from others. This will affect you in product creation, marketing distribution, interviewing ability, personal relationships....basically every aspect of life.

When I say different, I don't necessarily mean weird different, but more of a fresh approach different.

Take home builders for example. Especially the large scale ones. They have maintained the same thought of operations for years...more homes, faster construction, service is secondary. Believe it or not, this mantra holds even more true today for these companies, yet they still wonder why they continue to flounder.

I recently became affiliated with a new kind of home builder. A builder that is not in business to sell more homes than everyone, but rather a builder that desires to provide exceptional service at every single turn.

They are a company this is very small in personnel mainly because we have a core of people that all believe in the same goal. Great service first. We believe that when you genuinely take care of your customers ALL the time, the rest (profits / sales) will fall into place....and it has.

Diamond R Homes is truly a company that is the pure definition of uniqueability.

While every other builder operates on old methods and outdated thoughts, we operate on attitude and desire to help. While it is true we have over 50 years of home building experience in our core group, not a single one of us ever adopted the mentality of the big corporation.

For us, Uniqueability is defined by providing a TRUE Custom experience. The fun and joy we bring our customers is surpassed by nobody and our attitudes could not be more in sync as a group.

The way we feel is that if you want to buy the same generic (sticks and bricks) home, you can get that anywhere combined with mediocre to poor service. But if you want something better, something different and unique, you will want to check out Diamond R Custom Homes.

Be different then the rest for the right reasons, and the results will surprise you.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Diamond R Homes

Diamond R Homes is a TRUE Custom Home Builder. Many people think "Custom" Builder just means an upper scale production home. It doesn't.

TRUE Custom means YOU CHOOSE.

TRUE Custom means WE Cater to YOU.

TRUE Custom means 100% Unique.

At Diamond R Homes, we have assembled a small team of Fantastic People that share ONE COMMON Trait. WE ALL Strive to provide a unique and fantastic service oriented Experience.

Truthfully, we could provide many exciting services because our attitudes are ALL in alignment with helping others.
We selected Home Building because we have a combined 50 Years of unsurpassed success in the art of Creating Genuine Customer Happiness.

In that 50 years, we have amassed an abundance of usable knowledge in home design, personal connections, and systems that when combined to help you, create a TRUE Custom Experience.

Our goal is not to build many homes as fast as we can. Our Goal is to Help YOU build your Dream Home where you want it, how you want it. In undertaking that single act of genuine desire to help you, our market share has increased, but the mission remains the same.

At Diamond R Homes we subscribe whole heartedly with one of Zig Ziglar's most impressive revelations, "If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want."

Diamond R Homes is a TRUE Custom Home Builder that operates in the Dallas / Fort Worth Marketplace. We WILL build on your lot, we WILL help you find and purchase a lot, we WILL design a home WITH you, and WILL provide Customer Service to Ridiculous Levels.

We don't believe in building homes in a static environment. The world is a changing and dynamic place and so are the needs of our Customers. The ONLY way to provide the level of service that we do is to adapt our skills to your desires.

"Amazing Service is our Brand. Superior Home Building is our Medium."