I've been in Real Estate for the better part of the last 5 years. In that time, I have helped a good number of folks purchase new homes and had a great time doing it.
About 6 months ago, I opted to focus my priorities on some different ventures and get back into writing. Then, a few weeks ago, an old friend called me up and enlisted my assistance with a New Custom Home Building Company, Diamond R Homes. They had such a great concept, something so fresh and new, that I just had to get involved.
Well, last night I enjoyed the first sale since my return to Real Estate. What a blast!
It's hard to believe that I could forget what that feeling of excitement was like in such a short time, but sure enough, I did.
That feeling reminded me how much I truly enjoy helping people purchase homes. It also reminded me that while I have many interests and activities, Real Estate must remain on my top priority list.
It's hard to explain that immediate feeling after a successful sale is made. But it is nice.
So what does all this mean?
Do what you love. Do it well. Enjoy it.
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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