Does everyone know what you know or what you are thinking?
Do you know what everyone else knows or what they are thinking?
I didn't think so.
With that being the case and seemingly very well understood, why is it then, that people are always assuming things about others?
One of the most common ridiculous assumptions is the way people talk. Within any given company there are people that have worked there forever and those that are fairly new. Many of the "old-timers" speak in some foreign code using acronyms and company slang speak all the time, including when they are "teaching" the new folks.
This isn't helping anyone. What happens in many cases, the new person doesn't want to look "stupid" so they will just nod and act like they have some clue as to what is being said, then they go back to their desk or work location and wonder what on earth they should have just learned.
The learning curve actually expands in these scenarios. The new person is trying to learn a new company, new system, new idea, or something else new....they don't need to try and learn a new language at the same time.
- Never assume someone knows the same things that you do.
- Never assume someone knows what you may be thinking at any given moment.
- When explaining things to people you do not know, speak in normal terms...not acronyms.
- When teaching someone something new, periodically ask if your message, "makes sense."
If you really know what you are talking about it is NOT demonstrated effectively in speaking over peoples heads. Your knowledge is ONLY demonstrated in how well it can be communicated and received by another person then put into action by that person.
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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