Monday, May 18, 2009

Dream Big or Live in Content?

We had the baptism of my youngest daughter this past Saturday. We invited our immediate family and a couple close personal friends to join the celebration.

After the actual event itself, we went back to have the post reception type deal and everyone came over to have a good time. While there was definitely some non-eventful small talk happening throughout the house, there was one conversation that I had that made me stop and think.

To give a quick background check, you have to understand that I have always been the guy in the room (any room) that seems to think slightly different then everyone else. I don't say that to say that it is always a great thing, but rather to just inform that my thoughts are typically non-conforming to everyone Else's.

A friend of mine and I were having a conversation about current personal events, upcoming activities and things of that nature. About the moment that I was sharing a few details about some new activities I was about to engage in another person joined the conversation.

After a few moments of small talk about his business, he said something that got me to thinking. He basically made the comment that life is all about just getting through the day, plodding along trying to find moments of fun, then you basically die.

Although, I have always thought tons of people think that way, it always just kind of startles me when I hear it verbalized.

Can you really believe that is what your life is meant for? All I could think about is that is a horrible way to live. Basically, it sounds like if that is your thought process, you are just waiting to die.

Wow. Just terrible.

I like to think that each day I wake up, it is my obligation to try something new, push myself to some activity that I am not sure about, learn something, help someone, or whatever else.

The way I see it, every day is sort of a new adventure. I don't allow the day to take me down a boring path of mediocrity. But rather give myself an opportunity to grow in some area.

To me, it comes down to one simple thought.

No matter what happens or what action you take or don't take, the same exact amount of time is going to pass. It is not preventable. The clock WILL keep moving forward. If everyone knows this, then why not spend that same exact amount of time doing something different?

Use that window of time to learn something, try something, or help someone.

Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!

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