Okay, so uniqueability is probably not a real word, but it should be. Since I sort of made it up, I guess I can make up my own definition also.
Uniqueability-To understand and appreciate the ability to be different then something else.
It's not about just being different for the sake of being different, but rather understanding why you need to be different.
It's that knowledge of knowing how and why to be different that will set you apart from others. This will affect you in product creation, marketing distribution, interviewing ability, personal relationships....basically every aspect of life.
When I say different, I don't necessarily mean weird different, but more of a fresh approach different.
Take home builders for example. Especially the large scale ones. They have maintained the same thought of operations for years...more homes, faster construction, service is secondary. Believe it or not, this mantra holds even more true today for these companies, yet they still wonder why they continue to flounder.
I recently became affiliated with a new kind of home builder. A builder that is not in business to sell more homes than everyone, but rather a builder that desires to provide exceptional service at every single turn.
They are a company this is very small in personnel mainly because we have a core of people that all believe in the same goal. Great service first. We believe that when you genuinely take care of your customers ALL the time, the rest (profits / sales) will fall into place....and it has.
Diamond R Homes is truly a company that is the pure definition of uniqueability.
While every other builder operates on old methods and outdated thoughts, we operate on attitude and desire to help. While it is true we have over 50 years of home building experience in our core group, not a single one of us ever adopted the mentality of the big corporation.
For us, Uniqueability is defined by providing a TRUE Custom experience. The fun and joy we bring our customers is surpassed by nobody and our attitudes could not be more in sync as a group.
The way we feel is that if you want to buy the same generic (sticks and bricks) home, you can get that anywhere combined with mediocre to poor service. But if you want something better, something different and unique, you will want to check out Diamond R Custom Homes.
Be different then the rest for the right reasons, and the results will surprise you.
I can't agree more with the term "Uniqueability". It takes true courage to stand in the face of the "norm" to try something fresh and new with the chance it may not work. We have become a society of followers because that is the path of least resistance and it is safe. Lost in it all is the true passion that makes us successful and at the same time create new and better approaches. Diamond R Homes clearly gets that idea and is headed down the road to success!