Setting expectations is wildly important for everything.
The Employer to the Employee...
The Employee to the Employer...
The Sales Person to the Client...
The Client to the Sales Person...
You name the relationship and setting expectations is at the core of making it successful.
If you don't know what someone is expecting, how can you possibly satisfy them?
If your customers and clients don't understand how you will interact with them, how could they possibly understand when you don't call them back immediately?
If the employee does not understand exactly what is expected of them, how can they effectively prioritze their time?
If the Employer does not understand how the employee will be completing their job tasks, how can they feel comfortable when or if it will be done?
Setting proper expectations is a fantastic way to get that "micro-managing" boss off your back. It is also a phenomenal way to get your employees to become far more productive.
Setting expectations will ease the panicked customers concerns, it will greatly reduce the amount of phone calls and emails you receive, and it will instill confidence that you can and will get the job done.
In many ways, setting expectations is the key to any relationship.
People fear the unknown. The unknown creates angst, tension, confusion, anger, and stress.
Setting proper expectations is like building a bridge that connects people. Without the bridge, people are left to wonder how they will cross the complicated and winding road.
It is absolutely necessary in any relationship setting, whether it is business or personal to have all parties clear on expectations.
Set the expectation and enjoy more success.
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy is a Real Estate Professional,
Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the Book, "How To Sell More
Homes and Increase Your Income,"Sales Trainer and Sales Manager.