I would be willing to bet at some point in everyone's life they tried unsuccessfully to change someone.
There are obviously many reasons to change another persons behavior some good and some bad.
The question here is, IF you can change another persons behavior. I say no.
However, you CAN influence the behavior of another in several ways.
- Take away something that person desires.
- Show that person (by example-not words) how you do certain things.
- Give that person small rewards for certain improvements.
- Never be an enabler.
- Always behave in direct accordance to the message you speak about.
- Do not be confrontational in a manner that you come across as "all knowing" or arrogant.
- When explaining about "the change" speak about the benefits they will receive from making that change. Don't use the "just because" line of thinking.
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the book, "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer, and Professional Speaker that focuses on improving your Likeability to increase your Opportunities for Success!
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