It's a cliche to say attitude equals altitude, but it is most definitely accurate. If you are in a suppressive and less positive environment, it can be difficult to maintain the attitude you need to be successful. While I am a big believer that you create your own success by not allowing others to impact your attitude, it can be a challenge in certain situations.
The truth is, you do ultimately create your own success, but that takes place by putting yourself in the right situations. If you have a boss that doesn't understand how their negativity and dark cloud attitude affects you and everyone else, it may be time to find a better opportunity.
Never feel that the situation you are in is the situation that you must stay in. Opportunity's are everywhere and never ending for those that have a great attitude. Keep your head high, stay true to your healthy attitude habits and success will soon be yours.
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy is a Real Estate Professional,
Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the Book, "How To Sell More
Homes and Increase Your Income,"Sales Trainer and Sales Manager with Lillian
Custom Homes.