Excuses are all the things that people say to make their inevitable failure seem acceptable. It is failing before starting. Excuses are nothing more than a crutch to allow people not to take responsibility for their own actions. Excuse based people never create solutions, because their mind is always looking for the easy out.
Solutions are all the things that people come up with to open the jumbled path of confusion and make it Crystal clear. Solution based people never make excuses, because their mind only thinks in terms of accomplishment. Failure is not an option.
Don't be a mediocre person that doesn't allow yourself a true chance at success. Stop making excuses and learn to see solutions at every turn. There is a solution to virtually all situations, but it may require you to make a difficult decision or to take a long look in the mirror. The choice of success is yours.
Curt Fletcher aka The Likeability Guy, is a Real Estate Professional, Business Development Strategist, Published Author of the Book "How To Sell More Homes and Increase Your Income," Sales Trainer and Sales Manager with Lillian Custom Homes.